What if customs—and not corporations—decided the price? Marc Barnes and Jacob Imam tackle Just Price, Price Mechanisms, Tipping, and Farmers Markets, among other things.
Price Mechanism | Good Money
Is Bitcoin a Good Coin? | Good Money
Insurance | Good Money
Breaking Up With Your 401k | Good Money
What's Wrong with a 401k? | Good Money
Temperance | Good Money
Are Emergency Accounts Wrong? | Good Money
What the Hell is an Almonry? | Good Money
Predictions and Predictability | Good Money
Money and Magic | Good Money
Redemption | Good Money
Many of us think of debts as finite monetary obligations, but that's just a modern re-framing. In this episode Jacob Imam argues that true debts can never be repaid and that gifts are supposed to create true debt—debt that builds a community of love rather than a system of repayment. Marc Barnes is there, too.
Is it Okay to be Rich? | Good Money
Financial Independence | Good Money
F.I.R.E. = Financial Independence, Retire Early. Work is a sacramental insofar as it was a gift God gave us in the garden, which helps us participate in Him. So ceasing from work is not a good thing, but retiring from certain jobs is. Tune in with Marc Barnes and Jacob Imam to hear the pros and cons of F.I.R.E.